Skal Telefoner Bort under Undervisning? Closed Challenge Morten Hertzum University staff, Roskilde University (RUC)
Characterization of the gene expression response in a preterm pig model of ne-crotizing enterocolitis Research, Nora
Expression of Innate Immune Response Genes in Liver and Three Types of Adipose Tissue in Cloned Pigs Research, Nora
Heterologous expression of the core genes in the complex fusarubin gene cluster of <i>Fusarium Solani</i> Research, Nora
Differences in salinity tolerance and gene expression between two populations of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) in response to salinity stress Research, Nora
LAPTM4B gene copy number gain is associated with inferior response to anthracycline-based chemotherapy in hormone receptor negative breast carcinomas Research, Nora
Stoichiometric gene-to-reaction associations enhance model-driven analysis performance: Metabolic response to chronic exposure to Aldrin in prostate cancer Research, Nora