Johanne Aarup H... university staff, Roskilde Universit... Interaction designer, design critique, a...
zoneinddeling - Mjølnerparken Project, Roskilde University Thirdroom Admin University staff, Roskilde University
TVÆRMEDIALE MEDIEFORMER - med udgangspunkt i Apolo... Closed Challenge Alfred Birkegaard 🎓 PH.D 🚀 CEO at Thirdroom.
Weibull Wind-Speed Distribution Parameters Derived from a Combination of Wind-Lidar and Tall-Mast Measurements Over Land, Coastal and Marine Sites Research, Nora
Effect of environmental parameters on culturability and viability of dust accumulated fungi in different HVAC segments Research, Nora
Overview of the use of theory to understand infrared and Raman spectra and images of biomolecules: colorectal cancer as an example Research, Nora
High-wavenumber FT-Raman spectroscopy for in vivo and ex vivo measurements of breast cancer Research, Nora