Menneskeligt velvære og politiske beslutninger Project Ian Valentin Christensen Imaginative and empathetic, impatiently learning f...
Fremtidens landbrug – Vertical farming Project, Roskilde University Thirdroom Admin University staff, Roskilde University
Hvordan kan en ejendomsvurdering være objektiv, nå... Closed Challenge Peter Søder Spatial data science
Hvordan kan biodiversitet fremmes gennem designstr... Closed Challenge Eduardo Abrantes Philosophy, Science and Technology Studies, Artist...
The Political Economy of Social Upgrading : A class-relational analysis of social and economic trajectories of the garment industries of Cambodia and Vietnam Research, Nora
Political ecology as perspective in analyses of crises in sustainable transition: The case of on-shore wind power in a front runner country Research, Nora
On the way to 2023: Some measures, but no plan for a circular economy in the government's political program Research, Nora
Energy and Industrial Policy Failure in the South African Wind Renewable Energy Global Value Chain: The political economy dynamics driving a stuttering localisation process Research, Nora
The Green Economy and Economic Development - Reduced and Sunk Costs to Greening and their Competitive Implications for Developing Countries Research, Nora
Final report: Wind Energy and the just transition : Political and socio-economic pinch points in wind turbine manufacturing and windfarm communities in Europe and South Africa Research, Nora