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Circular Design Camp at LOOP Forum

Sustainable Development Goals
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Circular Design Camp
Help create insight & optimism through action.
Circular Design Camp is a three-day case competition that brings the brightest students and entrepreneurs together with the most ambitious companies to find new circular solutions to their specific business challenges.
main price 25.000
Join the leading circular economy event in the Nordics
This year, Circular Design Camp moves to LOOP Forum, the leading circular economy event in the Nordics. LOOP Forum brings together more than 3,000 participants from Denmark and abroad with talks, debates, presentations and showcases with tangible solutions for companies' circular transition.
We welcome all ambitious entrepreneurs and students - regardless of educational background. However, places are limited, so hurry up and sign up. The camp is held in English.
We select four companies that are ambitious to create concrete action and give them the opportunity to provide a case study that they need fresh eyes on.
SIGN UP HERE - www.circulardesigncamp.dk
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Contact person
Your AI Matches
Asha Sri Nissanka
Thirdroom Admin
Katja Carlsen
Nete Schwennesen
Morten Hertzum
Morten Hertzum
Juliane Busboom
Jesper Simonsen
Peter Søder
Amir Alamo
Morten Hertzum
Neal Greenspan
Sameer Deolalikar
Ulf Andersson
Sean Vincent
Dominic Davies
Maria Martinez
Nysgerrig og initiativrig studerende, de...
Co-Founder and Thirdroom RUC Anker
Friendly, passionate, Hard-working
Futureminded, Analytical, Inquisitive
Nysgerrig studerende på HumTek 23
Glad, energisk og livsnyder
vi varme 2023
curoius, engaged, humble