Hvordan kan biodiversitet fremmes gennem designstr... Closed Challenge Eduardo Abrantes Philosophy, Science and Technology Studies, Artist...
Impact of climate change on fish population dynamics in the baltic sea: a dynamical downscaling investigation Research, Nora
Reconstructing the population dynamics of sprat (Sprattus sprattus balticus) in the Baltic Sea in the 20th century Research, Nora
The factors driving the spatiotemporal population dynamics of sandeel in the North Sea Research, Nora
Quorum Sensing Signaling Alters Virulence Potential and Population Dynamics in Complex Microbiome-Host Interactomes Research, Nora
The lives and times of jellyfish: Modelling the population dynamics and ecological role of jellyfish in marine pelagic ecosystems Research, Nora
DISPLACE: a dynamic, individual-based model for spatial fishing planning and effort displacement: Integrating underlying fish population models Research, Nora