+2 Ethical Navigation in the AI Revolution: Balancing... Closed Challenge Amir Alamo Computer Scientist
Læringspåvirkning: ChatGPT og lignende værktøjer Closed Challenge Morten Hertzum University staff, Roskilde University (RUC)
A 40-Pulse Autotransformer Rectifier Based on New Pulse Multiplication Circuit for Aviation Application Research, Nora
Oxy-coal combustion in an entrained flow reactor: Application of specific char and volatile combustion and radiation models for oxy-firing conditions Research, Nora
Valorization of red seaweed biomasses towards future sustainability (VALSEA), Multi-extraction of bioactive compounds from macroalgae Research, Nora
Naturally occurring folates in food Quantification and possible food fortification strategy Research, Nora
Consequences of severe radioactive releases to Nordic Marine environment : Final report for the NKS-B activity 2012 Research, Nora
Femtosecond ultraviolet laser ablation of silver and comparison with nanosecond ablation Research, Nora