Inger Berling H... university staff, Roskilde Universit... Educator, Librarian and passionate about...
Ansigt psykologi Project, Roskilde University Ida Dyremosegaard-Hansen Studentermedhjælper hos Thirdroom
Instagrams effekt på unges selvbillede Project, Roskilde University Thirdroom Admin University staff, Roskilde University
Kan kunstig intelligens fortælle os hvornår vi dør... Closed Challenge Jens Ulrik Hansen Artificial intelligence and Data Science
Making hydrochar suitable for agricultural soil: A thermal treatment to remove organic phytotoxic compounds Research, Nora
Evaluation of hydrothermal carbonization in urban mining for the recovery of phosphorus from the organic fraction of municipal solid waste Research, Nora
Quantification des cellules viables de P. phosphoreum dans les pavés de saumon cru par PCR temps reel Research, Nora
Development of a Rapid Real-Time PCR Method as a Tool To Quantify Viable Photobacterium phosphoreum Bacteria in Salmon (Salmo salar) Steaks Research, Nora
QSAR modeling of different minimum potency levels for in vitro human CAR activation and inhibition and screening of 80,086 REACH and 54,971 U.S. substances Research, Nora
In vitro susceptibility testing of fluoroquinolone activity against Salmonella: recent changes to CLSI standards. Research, Nora