Ansigt psykologi Project, Roskilde University Ida Dyremosegaard-Hansen Studentermedhjælper hos Thirdroom
Skal Telefoner Bort under Undervisning? Closed Challenge Morten Hertzum University staff, Roskilde University (RUC)
Eimeriosis in Danish Dairy Calves – Correlation between Species, Oocyst Excretion and Diarrhoea Research, Nora
Valorisation of Phosphorus Extracted from Dairy Cattle Slurry and Municipal Solid Wastes Digestates as a Fertilizer Research, Nora
Intake of dairy products and associations with major atherosclerotic cardiovascular diseases: a systematic review and meta-analysis of cohort studies Research, Nora
Changes in intake of dairy product subgroups and risk of type 2 diabetes : modelling specified food substitutions in the Danish Diet, Cancer and Health cohort Research, Nora
Effect of dairy fat on plasma phytanic acid in healthy volunteers - a randomized controlled study Research, Nora