Digitalisering og de ældre befolkning i Danmark Closed Challenge Raluca Stana Information Systems, Technostress, Qualitative Res...
Invitation til interviews Closed Challenge Ian Valentin Christensen Imaginative and empathetic, impatiently learning f...
Læringspåvirkning: ChatGPT og lignende værktøjer Closed Challenge Morten Hertzum University staff, Roskilde University (RUC)
Competition between simultaneous demand-side flexibility options: the case of community electricity storage systems Research, Nora
Analyzing the energy system impacts of price-induced demand-side-flexibility with empirical data Research, Nora
Model Predictive Control for Smart Buildings to Provide the Demand Side Flexibility in the Multi-Carrier Energy Context: Current Status, Pros and Cons, Feasibility and Barriers Research, Nora