Ansigt psykologi Project, Roskilde University Ida Dyremosegaard-Hansen Studentermedhjælper hos Thirdroom
Hvad er en god forklaring? Closed Challenge Morten Hertzum University staff, Roskilde University (RUC)
Invitation til interviews Closed Challenge Ian Valentin Christensen Imaginative and empathetic, impatiently learning f...
Validation of a zero-dimensional model for prediction of NOx and engine performance for electronically controlled marine two-stroke diesel engines Research, Nora
Denmark's Participation in the Search Engine TREC COVID-19 Challenge : Lessons Learned about Searching for Precise Biomedical Scientific Information on COVID-19 Research, Nora
Shrinking body sizes in response to warming: explanations for the temperature–size rule with special emphasis on the role of oxygen Research, Nora
The importance of the engine-propeller model accuracy on the performance prediction of a marine propulsion system in the presence of waves Research, Nora