Adaptive Algorithms for Active Noise Cancellation Project, Oticon A/S Robert Miklos Senior Audiological Developer
Kan kunstig intelligens fortælle os hvornår vi dør... Closed Challenge Jens Ulrik Hansen Artificial intelligence and Data Science
Hvad er en god forklaring? Closed Challenge Morten Hertzum University staff, Roskilde University (RUC)
A Genetic Algorithm Approach as a Self-Learning and Optimization Tool for PV Power Simulation and Digital Twinning Research, Nora
Weak genetic structure despite strong genomic signal in lesser sandeel in the North Sea Research, Nora
Comparison of Different Classification Algorithms for the Detection of User's Interaction with Windows in Office Buildings Research, Nora
RAND-Based Geochemical Equilibrium Algorithms with Applications to Underground Geological Storage of CO<sub>2 </sub> Research, Nora