Hvordan kan biodiversitet fremmes gennem designstr... Closed Challenge Eduardo Abrantes Philosophy, Science and Technology Studies, Artist...
Madras med bevægelsescensor Closed Challenge Janne Bryde Laugesen Educationalist - PhD student - nurse
Teknologier for hybridtarbejde Closed Challenge Juliane Busboom Cand.it i digital design | PhD fellow
Design af en inklusiv teknologi for hybridtarbejde Closed Challenge Juliane Busboom Cand.it i digital design | PhD fellow
+4 STYRER DU TEKNOLOGIEN ELLER STYRER DEN DIG? Closed Challenge Alfred Birkegaard 🎓 PH.D 🚀 CEO at Thirdroom.
From consumption to harvest: Environmental fate prediction of excreted ionizable trace organic chemicals Research, Nora
Modelling the Fate of Xenobiotic Trace Chemicals via Wastewater Treatment and Agricultural Resource Reuse Research, Nora
Linking ecological health to co-occurring organic and inorganic chemical stressors in a groundwater-fed stream system Research, Nora
Using fluorescent dissolved organic matter to trace and distinguish the origin of Arctic surface waters Research, Nora