Writers retreat - Sustainable Tectonic Design Project, AAU CREATIVES Andreas Schack Craftmanship, storytelling and passion for the bui...
Instagrams effekt på unges selvbillede Project, Roskilde University Thirdroom Admin University staff, Roskilde University
Ansigt psykologi Project, Roskilde University Ida Dyremosegaard-Hansen Studentermedhjælper hos Thirdroom
Hvordan kan naturoplevelser flyttes ind i et under... Closed Challenge Niklas Alexander Chimirri Social psychology of everyday life, more-than-huma...
Optimization of bioethanol production from carbohydrate rich wastes by extreme thermophilic microorganisms Research, Nora
Effects of oil spill response technologies on marine microorganisms in the high Arctic Research, Nora
Trash to treasure: Production of biofuels and commodity chemicals via syngas fermenting microorganisms Research, Nora
Outbreaks of influenza A virus in farmed mink (Neovison vison) in Denmark: molecular characterization of the viruses Research, Nora