Kan kunstig intelligens fortælle os hvornår vi dør... Closed Challenge Jens Ulrik Hansen Artificial intelligence and Data Science
+1 Digitalisering af ældreomsorgen Closed Challenge Nete Schwennesen Sociologist, ethnographer, healthcare
Something old, something new: Historical perspectives provide lessons for blue growth agendas Research, Nora
Late quaternary OSL chronologies from the Qinghai Lake (NE Tibetan Plateau): Intercomparison of quartz and K-feldspar ages to assess the pre-depositional bleaching Research, Nora
Passive immunisation, an old idea revisited: Basic principles and application to modern animal production systems Research, Nora
Multi-method (TL and OSL), multi-material (quartz and flint) dating of the Mousterian site of Roc de Marsal (Dordogne, France): correlating Neanderthal occupations with the climatic variability of MIS 5–3 Research, Nora
Mitigation of methane emission from an old unlined landfill in Klintholm, Denmark using a passive biocover system Research, Nora