Hvordan kan biodiversitet fremmes gennem designstr... Closed Challenge Eduardo Abrantes Philosophy, Science and Technology Studies, Artist...
Teknologier for hybridtarbejde Closed Challenge Juliane Busboom Cand.it i digital design | PhD fellow
Design af en inklusiv teknologi for hybridtarbejde Closed Challenge Juliane Busboom Cand.it i digital design | PhD fellow
+4 STYRER DU TEKNOLOGIEN ELLER STYRER DEN DIG? Closed Challenge Alfred Birkegaard 🎓 PH.D 🚀 CEO at Thirdroom.
Composition and leaching of construction and demolition waste: Inorganic elements and organic compounds Research, Nora
Landfill gas generation and emission at danish waste disposal sites receiving waste with a low organic waste content Research, Nora
Comparison of the organic waste management systems in the danish-german border region using life cycle assessment Research, Nora
Organic waste to biohydrogen : A critical review from technological development and environmental impact analysis perspective Research, Nora
Organic Rankine cycle-based waste heat recovery system combined with thermal energy storage for emission-free power generation on ships during harbor stays Research, Nora
Generation of organic waste from institutions in Denmark: case study of the Technical University of Denmark Research, Nora
Management of source-separated organic household waste intended for anaerobic digestion Research, Nora