Hvordan kan biodiversitet fremmes gennem designstr... Closed Challenge Eduardo Abrantes Philosophy, Science and Technology Studies, Artist...
Healthy aging attenuates task-related specialization in the human medial temporal lobe Research, Nora
Lithium-ion battery calendar aging mechanism analysis and impedance-based State-of-Health estimation method Research, Nora
Lithium-Ion Battery Operation, Degradation, and Aging Mechanism in Electric Vehicles: An Overview Research, Nora
Aging Investigation of the Latest Standard Dual Power Modules Using Improved Interconnect Technologies by Power Cycling Test Research, Nora
Second-Life of Lithium-Ion Batteries from Electric Vehicles: Concept, Aging, Testing, and Applications Research, Nora
Microgeographical population structure and adaptation in Atlantic cod Gadus morhua: spatio-temporal insights from gene-associated DNA markers Research, Nora
Comparative population genomics provides insights on the evolutionary history of marine fishes Research, Nora
Investigation of the temperature and DOD effect on the performance-degradation behavior of lithium–sulfur pouch cells during calendar aging Research, Nora