Læringspåvirkning: ChatGPT og lignende værktøjer Closed Challenge Morten Hertzum University staff, Roskilde University (RUC)
Teknologier for hybridtarbejde Closed Challenge Juliane Busboom Cand.it i digital design | PhD fellow
Recycling of plastic waste: Presence of phthalates in plastics from households and industry Research, Nora
Feasibility study of injection mouldable conductive plastic for the hearing aid applications Research, Nora
Modelling of pesticide emissions for Life Cycle Inventory analysis: Model development, applications and implications Research, Nora
Mapping of global plastic value chain and plastic losses to the environment: with a particular focus on marine environment Research, Nora
Contamination in plastic recycling: Influence of metals on the quality of reprocessed plastic Research, Nora