Hvordan kan biodiversitet fremmes gennem designstr... Closed Challenge Eduardo Abrantes Philosophy, Science and Technology Studies, Artist...
Hvordan kan familiernes naturoplevelser udvides ge... Closed Challenge Niklas Alexander Chimirri Social psychology of everyday life, more-than-huma...
+3 Chat-GPT - A magnificent tool or a threat to creat... Closed Challenge Bartek Granat AI Engineering Assistant
+1 Digitalisering af ældreomsorgen Closed Challenge Nete Schwennesen Sociologist, ethnographer, healthcare
Hvad er filosofi? Velkommen til ROSKILDE UNIVERSIT... Closed Challenge Alfred Birkegaard 🎓 PH.D 🚀 CEO at Thirdroom.
Spatial management of marine resources can enhance the recovery of predators and avoid local depletion of forage fish Research, Nora
Distributed energy resources management using plug-in hybrid electric vehicles as a fuel-shifting demand response resource Research, Nora
Applying no-depletion equilibrium sampling and full-depletion bioaccessibility extraction to 35 historically polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon contaminated soils Research, Nora
Two-stage stochastic day-ahead optimal resource scheduling in a distribution network with intensive use of distributed energy resources Research, Nora
Mechanisms influencing particle depletion in and around mussel farms in different environments Research, Nora
CERT depletion predicts chemotherapy benefit and mediates cytotoxic and polyploid‐specific cancer cell death through autophagy induction Research, Nora