Niklas Alexande... university staff, Roskilde Universit... Social psychology of everyday life, more...
Menneskeligt velvære og politiske beslutninger Project Ian Valentin Christensen Imaginative and empathetic, impatiently learning f...
Adaptive Algorithms for Active Noise Cancellation Project, Oticon A/S Robert Miklos Senior Audiological Developer
Hvordan kan biodiversitet fremmes gennem designstr... Closed Challenge Eduardo Abrantes Philosophy, Science and Technology Studies, Artist...
Hvordan kan naturoplevelser flyttes ind i et under... Closed Challenge Niklas Alexander Chimirri Social psychology of everyday life, more-than-huma...
Diffusion of Telecommunications Services in a Complex Socio-Economic Context : A Comparative Diffusion Analysis of the Fixed Line, Mobile and Internet Services in Pakistan Research, Nora
Protecting the larger fish: an ecological, economical and evolutionary analysis using a demographic model Research, Nora
The uptake and diffusion of solar power in Africa: Socio-cultural and political insights on a rapidly emerging socio-technical transition Research, Nora
How urban density, network topology and socio-economy influence public transport ridership: Empirical evidence from 48 European metropolitan areas Research, Nora
Interconnection vs. Energy system coupling: a socio-economic analysis of flexibility benefits Research, Nora