Johanne Aarup H... university staff, Roskilde Universit... Interaction designer, design critique, a...
Design af en inklusiv teknologi for hybridtarbejde Closed Challenge Juliane Busboom i digital design | PhD fellow
Teknologier for hybridtarbejde Closed Challenge Juliane Busboom i digital design | PhD fellow
Hvad er en god forklaring? Closed Challenge Morten Hertzum University staff, Roskilde University (RUC)
Which employers have refugee employees - and which do not? Employer typologies developed through hierarchical cluster analyses Research, Nora
Can data utilization from laboratory production systems be a way to increase employee satisfaction and quality? Research, Nora
Sensory factors in food satisfaction. An understanding of the satisfaction term and a measurement of factors involved in sensory- and food satisfaction Research, Nora
Employee attitudes towards corporate social responsibility: a study on gender, age and educational level differences Research, Nora
The relationship between norms, satisfaction and public transport use: A comparison across six European cities us-ing structural equation modelling Research, Nora
Self-compassion and satisfaction with life in Danish adolescents with Developmental Language Disorder (DLD): `We are all in the same boat´ Research, Nora