Today we are proud to announce that we are an official partner to Axis Communications. Our partnership highlights the mutual benefits between one of the largest network camera vendors in the world and our specialist knowledge in the edge application domain.
Your AI Matches
Bernelle Verster
Thirdroom Admin
Ida Dyremosegaard-Hansen
Othmane Nozhi
Peter Søder
Alfred Birkegaard
Morten Hertzum
Amir Alamo
Alfred Birkegaard
Morten Hertzum
Morten Hertzum
Neal Greenspan
Sameer Deolalikar
diego guenot
Sean Vincent
Dominic Davies
Ulf Andersson
Maria Martinez
Co-Founder and Thirdroom RUC Anker
Developer, entrepreneur, Computer Vision
Foresight; STS; Futures Studies
AI Engineering Assistant
Student, Student
Curious, Resourceful, Driven
Computer Scientist
Passionate about Sound, Code, and Educa...
Studentermedhjælper hos Thirdroom
Associate Professor, TANTLab