Text Expansion

In the spirit of Thirdroom's immersive storytelling, I propose a feature for our text sections - the '...unfold the story' button. Just like LinkedIn's '...see more' feature, but with our unique flavor. This button would reveal additional content beyond a set character limit, for instance, 300 characters. This tweak allows users to add comprehensive information to their 'About' section while keeping the aesthetics tidy and proportional, especially on mobile devices. Moreover, setting a maximum character limit ensures that content remains concise and easily digestible, avoiding overly long and disproportionate sections. This suggestion aims to strike a balance between rich narratives and clean design.

Edit: I took a look on Figma and saw that there is already a feature such as this on our platform, which already looks great, therefore my suggestion is not needed, except if we would like to give it a little bit of Thirdroom twist by renaming it to 'Unfold the story'.


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