Project Start

Welcome to the first Thirdroom project we are creating together.

1st task: setup your profile, remember to add your skills and the tools you are able to work with, so we can put your competences into play throughout the project!

2nd task: setup up a good way of creating the track record in Thirdroom. One must have in the milestones are meeting notes/ actionpoints for next milestone! Think it like a shared repository- so make sure the links for the platformes/tools we are using is ready at hand and all other necessary material for the team is here:)


  1. Katja
    Co-Founder and Thirdroom RUC Anker
    @sean I took the liberty of adding in a welcome to this milestone, letting you know (cause i overwrote my mentorstatus and used my superadmin acces to do so😈)

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