This is how you can create and insert a Google slide presentation;
1) Create a Google slide
2) Make it public!
3) Get the embed code
4) Paste the embed code into a html field in Thirdroom editor
And it will look like this:
This is how you can create and insert a Google slide presentation;
1) Create a Google slide
2) Make it public!
3) Get the embed code
4) Paste the embed code into a html field in Thirdroom editor
And it will look like this:
Robert Miklos
Ida Dyremosegaard-Hansen
Amir Alamo
Ian Valentin Christensen
Thirdroom Admin
Mika Yasuoka Jensen
Jesper Simonsen
Martin Jensen
Mika Yasuoka Jensen
Alfred Birkegaard
Matthew J. Spaniol
Morten Hertzum
Janne Bryde Laugesen
Sameer Deolalikar
Neal Greenspan
diego guenot
Ulf Andersson
Sean Vincent
Sandra Challma
Engageret, motiveret og fokuseret
Determind. Passionated. Childish.
Developer, entrepreneur, Computer Vision
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Creative; Interested; Honest
Professor of Participatory Design
Hardware and Technology Enthusiast
Studentermedhjælper hos Thirdroom
Passionate about people, efficient and c...